Voynich plant 4v

Can you help us to identify this plant and also decode the name?

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Possible name (first word): ? ? A A U R

Step 1: Look at the Voynich plant picture above 아기상어 mp3 다운로드. Look also at the possible name of that plant from the same page.

Step 2:  Look at some other expert suggestions, below, for what this plant might be 피날레 크랙 다운로드. Some are borrowed from here.

E VoynichPetersonSherwoodVelinskaBiologist - Finland
Ipomea? Scammonia?Cobvulvula ipomea?Rampion (Campanula rapunculus)Clematis, or Clematis integrifoliaPolemonium sp.

Step 3: If you have any good suggestions for the plant, please post a comment below nStore download. Give the Latin genus and species name if you can.

Step 4: Can you suggest a name in any language which might resemble the Voynich word mafia games? If so, post a comment below.

In particular can you suggest a name from any language which might fit the Voynich text Legendary Hometown?



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